AgriBazaar dives into IoT and Sensors!

Soil Moisture Detector by AgriBazaar

“ We believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of WORDS but of ACTIONS…” – E. M. Tiffany

soil moisture

IoT owns the capability to influence the world we live in; smarter cities, advanced industries, and connected vehicles are the components of the IoT equation. Imbibing it in the agricultural space has proven to attain the greatest impact.

IoT (Internet of Things) has a conventional meaning in its usage and consumption. At AgriBazaar, we decided to ease out the pre-harvesting activities for our hard-working farmers. However, the issue was to predict and understand how much moisture content is already available in the soil and does the land even need any more water? In order to solve the problem, we constructed a device which is capable of detecting the soil moisture present in the soil. With this idea, we dug deep into the world of IoT and came up with one of our best innovations.

moisture sensor

Why? What was the urge?

Speaking of traditional methods, the moisture content in any soil type is still determined manually on a local scale. A few fragmented samples of soil from the farm are put together and then tested in a lab altogether. However, this process requires manpower and time. In order to solve such problems, we came up with this completely technology-based soil moisture detector.

Indian farming and agriculture have anyway seen many transformational changes becoming industrialized and tech-driven in past few years. By using such advanced gadgets and machines governed by IoT, our farmers would definitely gain immense benefits.

  • Saves time, money and manual effort
  • More accuracy in final results
  • Better control over crop production
  • Effective and efficient irrigation management
  • Saves resources like water
  • Increase in yield and quality of the harvest

How do you operate this thing?

Well, that’s as simple as it could be!

soil sensor

Do you see this farmer? We explained to him the process and told him to try and test the moisture in the soil beneath him. Not only could he do the entire procedure himself but he could also get the readings himself. Hence, it’s extremely easy and much more convenient.

However, the process goes like:

  • The probes are simply inserted into the soil.
  • The sensors process the inputs.
  • Calculate the amount of moisture in percentage (%).
  • The device also diagnoses an estimated irrigation duration for the farm.
  • The device also works for every soil type.

Facts and Figures

According to Statista, the global market size of smart agriculture is expected to grow from approximately USD 9.58 billion in 2017 to USD 23.14 billion by 2022. But considering the growth in adoption of modern technology in Indian agriculture, it is expected to lead the Indian market industrial IoT will surpass the consumer IoT space in the country by 2020, predicting $12 billion IoT opportunity.

AgriBazaar has been progressively trying to understand the overall Agriculture space in India and mainly in the context of technology and trying to bridge the divide. With our aim of becoming India’s largest agritech network, a lot of work still needs to be done in terms of building a platform that can then become a means for the actual smaller & usable solutions by the farming community. From precision farming to warehousing and crop insurance, AgriBazaar has been successfully achieving the targets one by one and is on its way to attaining the trust of not just Indian farmers but to spread its branches worldwide. Working on technologies like IoT and Machine Learning, we’re progressing in the world of Smart Agriculture!

The device has not been launched publicly yet and is still in its beta phase. However, we’d like to invite our tech-savvy audience and experience this soil moisture detector. You can write to us at or contact us at +91-9090397777.

Visit our website or download our app (iOS/Android) to know us better and do comment to make us realize how do you think about us. Also, you can now get the latest Agri updates on our blog. Happy Reading!

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