Live Webinar on “Market Outlook of Mustard Seed” on July 24, 2020

Commodity outlook Mustard webinar

Agribazaar is organizing a webinar on the “Commodity Price Outlook of Mustard” on July 24, 2020 at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm IST. We have a distinguished panel to discuss the current and futuristic scope for mustard. The event is supported by The Solvent Extractions’ Association of India and would bring out expert views from Industry leaders on the price and demand outlook for Mustard. The session will interact with the joined members and answer all the possible issues or queries regarding the outlook for Mustard across the country. According to research, the crushing of mustard seed by oilseeds crushers in India rose by 6.7 percent to 8 lakh tonnes in May 2020 compared to 7.5 lakh tonnes during the same period last year. 

This shows that there is a strong demand for mustard seed and mustard oil in domestic markets. MSP for Rabi Marketing Season 2020-21 for mustard seed was ₹ 4,425 per quintal up by 5.36 percent compared to its previous year’s price of ₹ 4,200 per quintal. The Union Cabinet hiked MSPs of Rabi crops for 2020-21 that resulted in a raise of MSP for mustard oil by ₹ 225.

India is one of the largest producers of oilseeds in the world and the oilseed sector occupies an important position in the country’s economy. However, it is a still net importer of edible oil. Total production of oilseeds in 2019-20 has been estimated at 34.19 million tonnes which is higher by 2.67 million tonnes than the production of 31.52 million tonnes during 2018-19. Further, the production of oilseeds during 2019-20 is higher by 4.54 million tonnes than the average oilseeds production. 

Many questions and queries like ‘What could be the scope of MSP for the mustard crop in the near future? What is the international demand for mustard and other oilseeds exported from India? How is the change in production and consumption impact the farmers?’ Such questions are going to be discussed in the webinar. Stay tuned!

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