Negotiable Trades by agribazaar

Are you being restricted by the limited time duration in an auction? Do you think the worth of your produce is still low? Negotiable Trades are the solution.

With the acquisition of 100+ agri commodities, our all-new Negotiable Trades work right as per your convenience. Because now, you can negotiate!

Why Negotiable Trades?

  • Trade at Your Price: With our new Negotiable Trades, you can now decide on a price for your produce on your terms.
  • No time limits: You can continue negotiating your trade within no fixed time limits.
  • No More EMD: Don’t pay any fee! You can now begin your trade at zero-EMD.
  • Set Your Own Terms: You can set the quality parameters and all other details as per your need.

How does it work?

Well! That’s quite easy.

  • Sign in to your agribazaar account.
  • Click on ‘Create New Trade’.
  • Fill in all the form details.
  • Submit your negotiable offer! And you’re good to go.

How is it different from Online Auctions?

  • With Negotiable Trades, you can negotiate your prices for your stock with the counterparty, unlike online auctions where either the price or quantity is fixed.
  • Online auctions have a fixed time frame whereas you don’t have to worry about time limits with our Negotiable Trades.
  • To become a participant in an auction, you have to pay an EMD while trading via Negotiable trades starts at zero-EMD i.e, no EMD.
  • You can set your own quality parameters along with other details when trading with Negotiable Trades.

At agribazaar, we are obsessed with providing comfort and convenience to our Indian agricultural community. Be it the farmers, the traders, or the millers, we focus continuously on improving our customer experience by delivering the best services.

Check out our blog for more updates in the Indian agriculture space.

Think Agri trading, Think Agribazaar!

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