
agri commodity

Castor Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: Since mid-March castor seed prices have been pressurised by higher supplies against steady demand from castor crushing …

फसलोपरांत प्रबंधन सुविधा अपनाएं, सुरक्षा के साथ बेहतर उपज मूल्य पाएं!

धान की कटाई के बाद सबसे जरूरी काम होता है उसकी सुरक्षा का। धान को लंबे समय तक परिवर्तनशील मौसम, …

Commodity Insights Turmeric

Current Market Developments: ⮚ Turmeric prices in most of the domestic markets of Maharashtra and southern India have firmed up …

Commodity Insights Arhar (Tur)

Current Market Developments: As depicted in the adjacent price chart, Tur prices in most of the domestic markets continue to …

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