Weekly Cotton Report

cotton insights

Current Market Developments:

  • Cotton prices in most of the domestic spot markets have declined in the last fortnight as consumption demand from spinning mills have reduced as against steady supplies.
Cotton price trend

  • As per trade sources, the small mills have reduced or stopped their production and the big ones are also cutting down production as they are not getting parity. Therefore, the price of cotton has declined in the spot markets.
  • The balance stock of cotton with most of the mills is lower than last year due to fall in the domestic cotton production and there is still two months left for the arrival of the new crop. So, the prices are likely to recover in coming days in spot markets.
  • The government has extended deadline to import cotton without paying import taxes until 31st October 2022 from the earlier cut-off date of 30th September 2022. However, companies might not take import deals at higher prices as the shipments will take two to three months to arrive. While the arrivals of new cotton likely to start September, therefore importing at the current prices can be risky.
  • According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Cotton has been sown in 6.50 lakh hectares and 2.48 lakh hectares in Haryana and Punjab respectively in the current Kharif season so far, which is less than 6.88 lakh hectares and 2.54 lakh hectares respectively over the same period last year.
  • Similarly, in Gujarat one of the major Cotton growing state reported only 15.56 lakh hectares acreage under current season which is 6 percent lower than last year’s 16.50 lakh hectares. In Telangana and Andhra Pradesh also cotton acreage remained lower at 12.98 lakh hectares and 0.84 lakh hectares respectively as compared to 13.73 lakh hectares and 0.74 lakh hectares same period last year.

Cotton Price Movement Vs Seasonality at Key Markets

price movement vs seasonality

Domestic Cotton Supply & Demand Scenario

cotton insights, demand and supply

Global Cotton Supply & Demand Scenario


This report is prepared by “agribazaar”. Information and opinions in this report have been taken from publicly available data and from sources believed to be reliable. Neither the report nor any part of the report shall be replicated without the written consent. agribazaar does not make any representations or warranties in relation to the accuracy, completeness and correctness of data or information contained in this report. Use of the data, information or opinions contained in this report is at the sole risk of the recipient of this report, and any such data, information or opinion should be independently verified. agribazaar, its affiliates, their officers, directors and employees shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that may arise to any person from any error in the data, information or opinion contained in this report.

“agribazaar” 2022.

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