Bayer Partners with Agribazaar to Provide Market Linkages to Smallholder Farmers

Noida, India: 6th March, 2020

The section of smallholder farmers in India is quite vulnerable to challenges like pests and crop diseases, finance-related issues, fluctuation in climate, management of irrigation system, and rural migration. Through its Crop Science business, Bayer works closely with smallholder farmers to help them elevate their status from that of subsistence farmers to commercial farmers and help them earn higher incomes from their small family farms. 

In 2018, the company formed the ‘Better Life Farming’ alliance in order to bring together smallholder farmers unlock their farming potential. In this line, Bayer has shaken hands with Agribazaar, an Indian agritech platform as an alliance partner for Better Life Farming projects in India.

Market linkages will be provided to smallholder farmers by Agribazaar through its e-marketplace.  The farmers will get help in taking better prices for their produce. Bayer is also supposed to work independently with Agribazaar in order to enable the transfer of agri technologies to smallholder farmers and improve access to crop advisory. 

Read more:
krishijagran | FnBnews | TheIndianExpress | Rural Marketing | NBT (Navbharat Times) | Outlook | Business Line (The Hindu)

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