Commodity Outlook – TUR (Red Gram)

Sowing period: June to July
Harvesting period: November to February
Crop season: Kharif

Key growing locations for Tur:

  1. Maharashtra – Amarawati, Wardha, Vashim, Latur, Buldhana, Akola
  2. Telangana – Adilabad, Warangal, Karimnagar, Nalgonda
  3. Karnataka – Gulbarga, Raichur, Bidar, Bijapur
  4. Madhya Pradesh – Raisen, Sehore, Hoshangabad, Narsinghpur
  5. Gujarat – Junagarh, Rajkot, Dahod
  6. Uttar Pradesh – Kanpur, Hathras, Hardoi, Agra

Production trend and Stock position:

  • As per the Ministry of Agriculture second advance estimate FY 2018-19 released on February 28, 2019, Tur production was 3.68 million MT (Mn MT) compared to FY 2017-18 which was 4.02 Mn MT, down 8.46 percent.
  • Despite ongoing procurement drive and lower crop size, tur market trades under pressure due to weak demand and higher availability of old crop at lower level.

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