Current Market Developments:
- Overall, in domestic markets Coriander prices have remained weak tracking subdued demand against steady supplies since last couple of weeks.

- Trade sources are not expecting any significant upward movement in prices. Daily total supplies of around 7-8 thousand bags are arriving in Rajasthan. Similarly, in Madhya Pradesh also daily 12-15 thousand bags have been arriving and good supplies are reported from Guna, Neemuch and Mandsaur markets. However, this year big farmers are still holding large quantities of stocks with them.
- Trade sources are estimating around 75-80 lakh bags of coriander stock currently available out of which around 20 lakh bags would be utilized in next two months. Since the current season acreage is likely to decline trade sources are estimating the total new season crop both in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh to be around 70-75 lakh bags.
- The current season acreage is likely to decline in major Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh due to unfavourable climatic conditions. According to the Department of Agriculture Rajasthan the current coriander acreage has declined by 10.5 percent at 48,675 hectares as compared to 54,410 hectares last year same period.
- At the export front, India has registered a significant increase in exports during the April-October 2023 at 70125.30 tonnes as against 18858.64 tonnes in Apr-Oct 2022. Currently, in the international market Indian coriander is quoted around 950-970 dollars per tonnes. In the last one month 70-75 containers of coriander are exported to various Gulf countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE) and China.



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“agribazaar” 2023.