Partnering with StarAgri

Warehousing is the transitional storage of goods that happens during a commodities journey from the producer to the end-user. Currently, they come in different types of warehouses such as public, private, consolidated warehouses, distribution centers, etc. According to the recent warehousing market in India 2021 report, the warehousing market in India was valued at Rs. 1,050 billion (Bn) in 2020 and it is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of ~14.86% between 2021 and 2025, to reach a value of Rs 2,028.86 Bn by 2025. The agricultural warehousing market was valued at Rs. 145.82 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach Rs. 365.75 billion by the end of 2024. As of 2019, India has a total agri warehousing capacity of around 91 million metric tonnes (MMT) with the majority of the capacity being owned by state agencies. 

staragri has 800+ warehouses across 16 states and over 1.5 MMT of warehousing capacity

Currently, India’s total warehousing capacity is estimated to be 160 MMT. Around 30% of this capacity is managed by the private sector, and the rest is divided between FCI (Food Corporation of India), CWC (Central Warehousing Corporation), SWC (State Warehousing Corporation), state agencies, and the co-operative sector. This ever-expanding need for proper storage of commodities in India is increasing the demand for agri-warehousing.

Why StarAgri

StarAgri is one of Asia’s leading post-harvest solutions company spanning across 800+ warehouses across 16 states and over 1.5 MMT of warehousing capacity. StarAgri caters to customers ranging from banks to international bulk commodity buyers, food, health, FMCG companies, and commodity exchanges. Today, we have direct relationships with more than 1 lakh farmers across India and aim to reach many more in the agri value chain as we have been collaborating with more farmers in more places than ever before.

The bumper crop

Benefits of partnering with StarAgri

  • Warehouse owner gets the subsidy from the govt. at 25%-40% on the cost of construction through NABARD
  • Average ROI is up to up to 10-15%.
  • Minimum Area size required: 5,000 – 50,000 sq ft
  • Hassle-free Loan approval
  • StarAgri has got a Repository Participant license from CCRL- CDSL Commodity Repository Ltd.

What are offering

Agrigate is a tech-enabled platform that transforms Staragri (owned and franchised) warehouses into technology-based smart-warehouses. With Agrigate, warehouses across the country would turn into a standardized network of licensed warehouses all are connected to the same software, that is strengthened on a backbone of blockchain technology. The network connects all stakeholders on a single platform which increases the transparency of data and transactions, apart from enabling real-time transactions and activities. There is a superior risk management framework in place that renders the system safe and effective and brings more trust to all the stakeholders.

Staragri warehouses

Road ahead

StarAgri helps create an efficient platform between producers and consumers, from harvest to home. We help farming communities realize better prices for their produce by bypassing intermediaries. We help buyers source quality produce at the best prices by aggregating and storing commodities directly from the farmers, ensuring quality and quantity parameters. Our services are helping to create an efficient marketplace where farmers and buyers can interact in a direct and transparent manner.

To learn more about the warehouse market, how you can become a warehouse partner with Staragri, and start earning a lucrative income, please register below.

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