
agri trading

Commodity Insights Groundnut

Current Market Developments: ⮚ The Groundnut price trend chart indicates that prices have recently declined in most of the domestic …

फसलोपरांत प्रबंधन सुविधा अपनाएं, सुरक्षा के साथ बेहतर उपज मूल्य पाएं!

धान की कटाई के बाद सबसे जरूरी काम होता है उसकी सुरक्षा का। धान को लंबे समय तक परिवर्तनशील मौसम, …

Commodity Insights Turmeric

Current Market Developments: ⮚ Turmeric prices in most of the domestic markets of Maharashtra and southern India have firmed up …

Commodity Insights Arhar (Tur)

Current Market Developments: As depicted in the adjacent price chart, Tur prices in most of the domestic markets continue to …

Coriander Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: Overall, in domestic markets Coriander prices have remained weak tracking subdued demand against steady supplies since last …

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