

फसलोपरांत प्रबंधन सुविधा अपनाएं, सुरक्षा के साथ बेहतर उपज मूल्य पाएं!

धान की कटाई के बाद सबसे जरूरी काम होता है उसकी सुरक्षा का। धान को लंबे समय तक परिवर्तनशील मौसम, …

जैविक नाइट्रोजन स्थिरीकरण – निरंतर खेती के लिए भारतीय तकनीक

भारतीय कृषि क्षेत्र में नाइट्रोजन स्थिरीकरण काफी महत्त्वपूर्ण है। हमारे देश की अधिकांश जनसंख्या आजीविका के लिए खेती पर निर्भर …

Agribazaar – Transforming the Indian Agriculture value chain with Technology

CXO Today Agribazaar started with the idea that a technology-driven platform could help the agri value chain operate with significantly …

Kisan Safalta Card by agribazaar

An average Indian farmer is a perennial debtor since he has to work on inefficient farmland, using traditional methods of …

Why Agritech is the Future of Agriculture?

Tech cognition among farmers is rising daily and is one of the engines driving the sector ahead, powered by high …

FPOs: A Way To Farmers’ Success

The government, NBFCs, civil societies, and other financial institutions have invested in FPOs, looking at their significant role in the …

Principles of Regenerative Agriculture

Globally, the agriculture sector is one of the big emitters of CO2 responsible for the climate change we talk about …

Will Agriculture Ever Rule The World?

The answer to the question is yes, but we can’t say when. There are a lot of things happening around …

20 years of Change in Agriculture

Agriculture, what comes to your mind when you hear this term? To us, it is something that keeps everything in …

India Organic Food Certification in 5 Steps

India Organic is a certification mark for organically farmed food products manufactured in India. The certification is issued by testing …

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