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कृषि में खरपतवार का नियंत्रण: नुकसान और लाभ

मॉनसून के बाद कृषि में खरपतवार (Weeds) का नियंत्रण किसानों के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण कार्य बन जाता है। खरपतवार वे …

Smart Farming in India with Digital Technology in Agriculture!

India is leading a digital agricultural transformation, with smart farming technologies changing the game. These innovations are revolutionising crop cultivation …

एग्रीबाज़ार के साथ अपने कृषि व्यवसाय को भविष्य के लिए करें तैयार!

कृषि व्यवसाय बदलते वक्त के साथ तेजी से विकसित हो रहा है, और किसानों के लिए यह ज़रूरी हो गया …

Revolutionising Farming with Modern Agricultural Technology

Agriculture in India is changing fast. New technologies are making farming better and more green. This includes things like precision …

बिना जुताई खेती करने का अनोखा तरीका ‘जीरो टिलेज फार्मिंग’

बदलते समय और जलवायु परिवर्तन के दौर में कृषि क्षेत्र में नए-नए प्रयोग किए जा रहे हैं। किसानों के लिए …

Crop Doctor: A solution to healthy & disease-free harvest!

Timely and accurate information is crucial for farmers to protect their crops and ensure a healthy yield. According to Grand …

जानें स्मार्ट खेती और परिशुद्ध खेती में क्या हैं अंतर

खेती की पारंपरिक पद्धतियों से लेकर आधुनिक तकनीकों तक कृषि क्षेत्र में कई क्रांतिकारी बदलाव हुए हैं। तेजी से हो …

agribazaar’s Simplifying Indian Agri Trading System!

Indian agriculture has been through a complicated, unfair and not so transparent process regarding farmers selling their output in the …

कैसे करेगी टेक्नोलॉजी कृषि आपूर्ति श्रृंखला समस्याओं का समाधान

कृषि क्षेत्र हमारी भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था की रीढ़ है, लेकिन इस क्षेत्र में आपूर्ति श्रृंखला से जुड़ी कई ऐसी समस्याएं है, …

agribazaar Adding Value to Increase Crop Productivity in India!

Agriculture is one of the oldest industries not only in India but worldwide. It must undergo a digital, connectivity-fueled transformation …

कॉन्ट्रैक्ट फार्मिंग के जरिए अनिश्चित बाज़ार में पाएं सुनिश्चित आय और उत्पादन

कृषि उत्पादों की बढ़ती मांग और खाद्य सुरक्षा के चलते वैश्विक बाज़ार में लगातार कॉन्ट्रैक्ट फार्मिंग(अनुबंध खेती) का रुझान बढ़ …

agribazaar’s Impact on Indian Agricultural Farm Supply Online

The Union Budget for FY25 is finally out! The Indian government has focused well on agriculture and allied sectors in …

कैसे करें फसल रोगों की पहचान और कब करें उर्वरक का प्रयोग

कृषि क्षेत्र में कीट-रोगों का सही समय पर पता लगाना और उनके उचित प्रबंधन के लिए आवश्यक कदम उठाना बेहद …

Online agri commodity trading platform by agribazaar

According to recent research, the Indian agricultural Commodities Market has reached USD 9.07 billion by 2024 and is anticipated to …

ई-मंडी: क्या है कृषि व्यापार की पूरी प्रक्रिया? कैसे पाएं घर बैठे सही उपज मूल्य?

भारत में किसानों को अपनी फसल बेचने के लिए अक्सर ही बाजार की कठिन प्रक्रियाओं का सामना करना पड़ता है। …

Why is an e-Mandi better than a traditional one? Let’s find out!

Imagine a world where farmers can sell their produce with just a few taps on their smartphones, find thousands of …

खरीफ सीजन 2024: फसलों की बुआई से पहले किन बातों का रखें ध्यान?

देश में खरीफ फसलों की प्री-मॉनसून बुआई शुरू हो गई है। इस मौसम का लाभ उठाने के लिए किसान अब …

How is modern farming technology in India improving farmers’ lives?

Precision agriculture is trending in India and growing exponentially. Not to forget, such modern farming techniques are essential to improving …

मल्टीलेयर फार्मिंग की तकनीक अपनाएं, कम लागत में अधिक मुनाफा कमाएं!

अगर आप कम खेती में भी मोटी कमाई करना चाहते हैं, तो बस आपको अपनाना होगा ‘मल्टीलेयर फार्मिंग’ यानी बहुस्तरीय …

Commodity Insights: Coriander

Domestic Market Highlights Currently, the crop supplies in domestic markets have started reducing. Earlier in the month of March, the …

agribazaar’s Digital Approach to Revolutionise Indian Agricultural Supply Chain!

The agricultural sector is not left behind in an era of rapid digital transformation. agribazaar is reshaping the landscape of …

ई-प्रोक्योरमेंट: ई-खरीद सुविधा के साथ आसान एवं सुरक्षित भुगतान!

आजकल कृषि उत्पादों की खरीद और बिक्री को डिजिटल तकनीकों के माध्यम से प्रबंधित करने की आवश्यकता बढ़ रही है। …

Commodity Insights Guar Seed

Current Market Developments Currently, Guar seed and Guar gum prices continue to remain strong as supplies have declined in domestic …

Enhancing Indian Agricultural Resilience with NICRA!

Climate change has impacted the globe and is continuing to do so! The G20 Summit has also called for Eliminating …

Castor Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: Since mid-March castor seed prices have been pressurised by higher supplies against steady demand from castor crushing …

यूपी सरकार की जीआईएस कमांड सेंटर का नेतृत्व करेगा एग्रीबाज़ार

कृषि क्षेत्र को बढ़ावा देने और किसानों को अधिक सशक्त-समृद्ध बनाने के लिए भारत सरकार निरंतर अहम कदम उठा रही …

agribazaar’s initiative to enhance Uttar Pradesh’s agricultural potential!

Did you know that Uttar Pradesh is India’s top farming state with a total gross cropped area of 25.415 million …

ड्रोन तकनीक भारतीय कृषि प्रणाली को बनाएगी और अधिक सक्षम

ड्रोन तकनीक पारंपरिक खेती के तरीकों को बदलकर किसानों को निरंतर स्मार्ट खेती की ओर लेकर जा रही है। निस्संदेह …

agribazaar introduces Agribhumi to unlock the potential of your farm!

Imagine having a digital profile for your farm, created by using cutting-edge technology like satellite data, machine learning, and remote …

डिजिटल कृषि के साथ समृद्ध होगा भारत का हर किसान !

डिजिटलीकरण का युग कृषि क्षेत्र में नया आविष्कार लेकर आया है। यह उपलब्ध कृषि योग्य भूमि का सर्वोत्तम उपयोग कर …

UP govt’s AI-based GIS command centre to visualise agri data of gram panchayats

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has opened an AI-driven Geographic Information Systems (GIS command centre in Lucknow. The centre …

Cultivating Indian Food Security with Urban Farming!

Did you know that urban farming was once considered a mere novelty?Yes, it was unusual for countries like India. But …

जलवायु परिवर्तन अनुकूल खेती को अपनाएं, प्राकृतिक अनिश्चितताओं के संकट में भी मुनाफा कमाएं!

खेती करना जितना आसान लगता है, उतना है नहीं। किसानों को कई चुनौतियों का सामना करना पड़ता है, जिसमें से …

Traceability and transparency are as important in the agri supply chain as in the food chain!

Are you also becoming more and more conscious about the origins and quality of your food?To tell you the truth, …

जानें AI तकनीक से कृषि क्षेत्र में कैसे आएगी क्रांति!

आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस (AI) कृषि क्षेत्र में क्रांति लेकर आया है। इसने पारंपरिक कृषि पद्धतियों को फिर से परिभाषित किया है …

Did you know about Agricultural Robots in India?

The Indian agricultural equipment market size reached INR 1,129.6 Bn in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to …

Commodity Insights Groundnut

Current Market Developments: ⮚ The Groundnut price trend chart indicates that prices have recently declined in most of the domestic …

फसलोपरांत प्रबंधन सुविधा अपनाएं, सुरक्षा के साथ बेहतर उपज मूल्य पाएं!

धान की कटाई के बाद सबसे जरूरी काम होता है उसकी सुरक्षा का। धान को लंबे समय तक परिवर्तनशील मौसम, …

Commodity Insights Turmeric

Current Market Developments: ⮚ Turmeric prices in most of the domestic markets of Maharashtra and southern India have firmed up …

Agri finance in India: An evolving sector

In recent years, the convergence of technology and finance in driving a significant transformation in Indian agriculture is evident. The …

Commodity Insights Arhar (Tur)

Current Market Developments: As depicted in the adjacent price chart, Tur prices in most of the domestic markets continue to …

कैसे करें अपने खेत की मिट्टी के स्वास्थ्य में सुधार?

स्वस्थ एवं गुणवत्तापूर्ण मिट्टी सटीक एवं निरंतर कृषि की नीव हैं, परंतु पिछले कुछ दशकों में औद्योगीकरण (Industrialization) और शहरीकरण …

Coriander Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: Overall, in domestic markets Coriander prices have remained weak tracking subdued demand against steady supplies since last …

Commodity Insights Guar Seed

Current Market Developments Currently, a steady trend in prices is witnessed for Guar seed in domestic markets of Rajasthan where …

Agriculture 4.0: Transforming Indian Agriculture through Technology

Did you know that Agriculture 4.0 is emerging as a technological revolution in Indian agriculture to reshape traditional farming practices? …

COP28: जलवायु परिवर्तन को नियंत्रित कर भारतीय कृषि को देगा बढ़ावा

COP28 शिखर सम्मेलन का अंतिम सत्र 12 दिसंबर को लगभग 200 देशों के बीच एक ऐतिहासिक जलवायु समझौते के साथ …

Castor Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: Currently, castor seed arrivals in domestic markets have remained low against subdued demand from processors and traders. …

Commodity Insights Gram (Chana)

Current Market Developments: Chana market sentiments have weakened in the last couple of weeks as trading activities have slowed down …

Paving a new path for Indian farming with the National e-Governance Plan for Agriculture (NeGP-A)!

In a nation where agriculture is a cornerstone of the economy, the National e-Governance Plan for Agriculture (NeGP-A) emerged as …

Wheat Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: During the last couple of weeks wheat prices in domestic markets have remained firm, tracking strong wholesale …

पराली के विकल्पों को अपनाएं, उपजाऊ खेती को बंजर होने से बचाएं!

धान कटाई के बाद पराली को जलाना भले ही सबसे आसान लगता हो, लेकिन यह मिट्टी, पर्यावरण और मानवी स्वास्थ्य …

Cotton Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: In the last couple of weeks cotton prices in most of the domestic markets remained range bound …

Role of Precision Agriculture in Optimizing Resource Utilisation in Indian Farming!

Precision agriculture, leveraging technology and data-driven insights, has emerged as a transformative approach to farming in India. Efficient resource utilisation …

Commodity Insights Arhar (Tur)

Current Market Developments: Arhar (Tur) prices in most of the domestic markets have remained steady, tracking subdued demand against sufficient …

सोयाबीन के लिए बेहतर उपज मूल्य पाएं, एग्रीबाज़ार ई-मंडी की सुविधा अपनाएं!

सोयाबीन खरीफ सीजन की प्रमुख फसल है। व्यावसायिक खेती के रुप में उभरी यह फसल आज अपनी विशेषताओं की वजह …

Groundnut Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: Since September onwards Groundnut prices continue to remain weak and have declined from Rs 7100 per quintal …

The AI Revolution – 10 Transformative Agri Trends to look out for in 2024!

In 2024, the agricultural industry is on the brink of a profound transformation, thanks to the relentless advancement of artificial …

Coriander Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: Since last couple of weeks coriander prices are trading in a remained range bound manner with steady …

GPS, GIS – सटीक खेती की उन्नत तकनीक!

निरंतर उभरती विकसित तकनीकों के साथ हमें परंपरागत कृषि तकनीक और खेती पद्धतियों में भी बदलाव लाने की जरुरत है, …

Maize Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments Since last couple of weeks Maize prices in most of the spot markets have remained subdued as …

Crop Switching Optimisation in India with agribazaar: Enhancing agricultural sustainability

Agriculture has been the backbone of India’s economy for centuries, and the success of this sector is pivotal for the …

Commodity insights Guar seed

Current Market Developments In last one month, Guar seed prices have declined by 5-7 percent in most of the domestic …

रबी सीजन 2023: कब-कैसे करें गेहूं की बुआई, जानें उन्नत खेती की तकनीक!

खरीफ फसलों की कटाई के बाद अब किसान रबी फसलों की बुआई करने में लग गए हैं। गेहूं काफी पौष्टिक …

Cumin Seed Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: Cumin seed prices in major domestic mandis have declined tracking subdued demand from retail and wholesale counters …

Applications of Multispectral Imaging in the Indian agritech space!

In recent years, precision farming has emerged as a transformative force in the agricultural sector, offering innovative solutions to enhance …

Cotton Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: Cotton prices in most of the spot markets have remained steady due to limited purchases made by …

Soybean Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: After remaining higher during 1st week of September 2023, Soybean prices have declined in spot markets. Currently, …

डेटा एनालिटिक्स: अपनी खेती को जोखिमों से बचाएं, स्मार्ट कृषि तकनीक अपनाएं!

डेटा एनालिटिक्स विभिन्न उद्योग-व्यवसायों सहित कृषि क्षेत्र में भी क्रांति लेकर आया है। स्वचालित खेती या सटीक कृषि में डेटा …

Wheat Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: Wheat in domestic markets have been trading in a range bound manner as the government is making …

agribazaar: Pioneering Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems in India!

India’s agricultural sector stands at a critical juncture in a world grappling with environmental challenges and the need for sustainable …

Gram (Chana) Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: Chana prices in domestic spot markets corrected as supplies in markets improved against steady demand. NAFED has …

‘एग्री-वोल्टाइक’ दोगुनी कमाई की तकनीक, फसल उत्पादन के साथ करें ऊर्जा का निर्माण!

एग्री-वोल्टाइक, खेती की एक ऐसी स्मार्ट तकनीक है, जिसके जरिए किसान अपने खेतों में नकदी फसल उत्पादन के साथ-साथ बिजली …

Castor Commodity Insights

Current Market Developments: Since last week, Castor seed prices in most of the domestic spot markets of Gujarat and Rajasthan …

agribazaar’s Role in Advancing Carbon Sequestration Efforts in India!

Carbon sequestration, capturing and storing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, is critical in combating climate change. India has made …

एग्रीबाज़ार की मौसम पूर्वानुमान सुविधा, दूर करेगी आपके खेती की दुविधा!

इस साल मानसून में हुई देरी ने किसानों की चिंता बढ़ा दी है। साथ ही खरीफ फसलों पर भी इसका …

Raising concerns with a delay in monsoon? Here’s what you can do!

The annual monsoon, a lifeline for Indian agriculture, commenced in 2023 with a noticeable deficit, causing apprehension among experts and …

गुणवत्तापूर्ण बीजों का चयन करें और बढ़ाएं अपनी फसल की उत्पादकता!

कृषि के क्षेत्र में लगातार उभरते नए तकनीकों के चलते आज खेती की दशा और दिशा दोनों में सुधार देखने …

From Emissions to Solutions: The Urgency of Decarbonisation!

Decarbonisation (reducing carbon emissions) has become a crucial global objective to combat climate change and its adverse effects. In Indian …

कार्बन क्रेडिट: किसानों के लिए कमाई का एक नया स्त्रोत!

ग्लोबल वार्मिंग की वजह से पृथ्वी के तापमान में लगातार वृद्धि हो रही है। इससे न केवल मानवी जीवन प्रभावित …

The Growing Importance of Data Analytics in Agricultural Decision-Making!

Data analytics has emerged as a game-changer in various industries in recent years, and Indian agriculture is no exception. With …

Agribazaar launches pilot project in crop advisory segment

Business Line Agribazaar, an online agri-commodity trading platform, has launched a pilot project in the crop advisory segment. According to …

लाभप्रद खेती के लिए अपनाएं क्लाउड कंप्यूटिंग तकनीक!

क्लाउड कंप्यूटिंग तकनीक, विभिन्न उद्योगों सहित कृषि क्षेत्र में क्रांति लेकर आई है। ये एक ऐसी तकनीक है, जिसके माध्यम …

The 5 Blockchain Bangers for Indian Agriculture!

In recent years, blockchain technology has emerged as a game-changer in various industries, and the Indian agricultural sector is no …

प्रूनिंग की सही तकनीक अपनाएं, पेड़-पौधों को कीट-रोगों से बचाएं!

स्वस्थ, बेहतर ग्रोथ एवं अधिक उत्पादन के लिए पेड़-पौधों की समय पर कटाई-छंटाई अर्थात प्रूनिंग करना अधिक जरुरी हैं। यदि …

6 Crop Health Monitoring Metrics That Matter To Every Farmer!

Crop health is a crucial factor that determines the success of farming operations. In India, where agriculture plays a significant …

कृषि में मिनी-क्रोमोसोमल तकनीक किसानों के लिए होगी फायदेमंद!

लगातार बढ़ती जनसंख्या के साथ बढ़ती भोजन मांग को देखते हुए कृषि वैज्ञानिकों ने मिनीक्रोमोसोम के माध्यम से एक फसल …

agribazaar Diversifying Agritech Tools for Indian Farmers!

The global agritech market is estimated to significantly increase revenue to US$ 64,448.07 Mn by 2031 from US$ 13,265.5 Mn …

पर्यावरण संतुलन बनाए, जैविक खेती की बेहतर तकनीक अपनाएं!

जैविक कृषि भारतीय कृषि क्षेत्र के विकास के लिये काफी अधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण है। यह फसल उत्पादन की एक ऐसी प्राचीन …

Contract Farming: A new bridge between growers & buyers

Contract farming is pivotal and contributes almost 17-18% of India’s economy. It refers to an arrangement between farmers and agribusiness …

Application of AI, IoT & Automation in Indian Agricultural Industry!

The agricultural industry is experiencing a transformation due to technological advancements in AI, IoT, and automation. These technologies have the …

आधुनिक खेती के बेहतरीन तरीके

ट्रैक्टर द्वारा खेती करना एक पुरानी और विश्वसनीय प्रथा है जिसका पालन दुनिया भर के किसान करते हैं। हालाँकि, जैसे-जैसे …

Embracing the 3S Strategy at the G20 Summit for the Indian Agricultural Development

At the recent G20 Summit, Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi emphasised adopting the 3S strategy – Smart, Sustainable, and …

फसल कटाई के उपरांत, कैसे रखें अपने अनाज को सुरक्षित?

फसल की कटाई के उपरांत सबसे जरूरी काम अनाज सुरक्षा का होता है। जब तक किसानों को अपनी उपज का …

The Need for Farm Management Software in India

India has a vast and diverse agricultural sector, with over 50% of the country’s population involved in farming. However, the …

जैविक नाइट्रोजन स्थिरीकरण – निरंतर खेती के लिए भारतीय तकनीक

भारतीय कृषि क्षेत्र में नाइट्रोजन स्थिरीकरण काफी महत्त्वपूर्ण है। हमारे देश की अधिकांश जनसंख्या आजीविका के लिए खेती पर निर्भर …

Biological Nitrogen Fixation – India’s Way to Sustainable Agriculture

The target for the production of legumes – pulses and oilseeds – has been fixed at 29.5 and 41.3 million …

Agribazaar: Helping the farmer make the most from his produce

FINANCIAL EXPRESS The Indian farmer is a troubled lot, battling constraints of financial resources and indebtedness, low productivity, vagaries of …

स्मार्ट सिंचाई की तकनीक अपनाएं, कम पानी में भी हरी-भरी खेती पाएं!

कुशल सिंचाई प्रणाली फसल की उपज और गुणवत्ता को बढ़ा सकती है और कीटनाशकों और उर्वरकों के उपयोग को कम …

agribazaar Strengthens Input-Output Market Linkages for Indian farmers!

The Indian agriculture market size reached a value of nearly ₹ 36,060.65 Bn in 2022. It is expected to reach …

Amith Agarwal’s helping farmers get better prices

THE TIMES OF INDIA In a sector that is often beset by adversity, Amith Agarwal and team are attempting to …

जियो-टैगिंग: आसानी से करें खेतों की निगरानी और बेहतर प्रबंधन

जियो-टैगिंग एग्री-टेक बिजनेस के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण उपकरण बन गया है। इसका उपयोग किसानों, छोटे-उद्यमियों के साथ-साथ कॉर्पोरेट खरीदारों को …

Conservation agriculture for a healthy climate & healthier soil!

Is there an approach that could get us healthy soil that will lead to healthy plants, animals, humans, water, and …

Weekly Coriander (Dhaniya) Report

Current Market Developments: After remaining firm in the last couple of weeks Coriander seed prices have declined in spot markets …

International Year of Millets 2023

The United Nations has announced 2023 as the International Year of Millets, recognising the significance of these crops in addressing …

Weekly Castor Seed Report

Current Market Developments: As shown in the adjacent chart castor seed prices since last couple of weeks have remained range …

Real-time kinematics for timeless farming!

Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) technology is a satellite positioning system that provides highly accurate positioning data for various applications, including agriculture. …

Weekly Groundnut Report

Current Market Developments: Groundnut prices in domestic spot markets of Gondal, Rajkot and Gadag have remained firm tracking strong demand …

Weekly Cumin Seed (Jeera) Report

Current Market Developments: As depicted in the adjacent weekly Jeera price trend chart, prices have continuously increased in domestic spot …

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मिलेट्स वर्ष 2023: मिलेट्स मार्केट में होगी भारत की बड़ी हिस्सेदारी

सरकार द्वारा कृषि सुधारों को लेकर उठाए जा रहे कदमों का सकारात्मक परिणाम अब सामने आने लगा हैं। अनाज की …

Weekly Wheat Report

Current Market Developments: Since last couple of weeks, wheat prices quoted mixed across major spot markets on a regular wheat …

Weekly Cotton Report

Current Market Developments: In the spot markets the spinning mills are buying cotton in limited quantities due to the sluggish …

AgriBazaar sets up crop collection centres as part of its e-mandi system

Business Line AgriBazaar, one of the nearly dozen companies involved in the pilot project to help the Indian government build …

Weekly Sugar Report

Current Market Developments: Since last couple of weeks, domestic sugar prices have remained weak as buying from bulk buyers, traders …

Agrivoltaics: A win-win relationship between Food, Water & Energy

As world leaders gathered at COP27 amid a global energy crisis in November 2022, climate change and renewables were sharply …

Weekly Sesame Seed (Til) Report

Current Market Developments: The weekly Sesame seed prices trend chart indicates that prices have remained slightly weak in the last …

डिजिटल इंटेलिजेंस के इस्तेमाल से बढ़ेगा कृषि उत्पादन और आय

बदलते दौर के साथ परंपरागत कृषि तकनीकों और खेती को भी और स्मार्ट बनाना बहुत जरुरी है। हालांकि सरकारी स्तर …

Weekly Gram (Chana) Report

Current Market Developments: Chana prices in most of the spot markets in the country traded in a range bound manner …

Genetically engineered minichromosomes making their way into agriculture!

As the world’s population has reached 8 Billion & is continuously growing, there is an increasing need to find innovative …

Weekly Arhar (Tur) Report

Current Market Developments: As shown in the weekly price trend chart, Arhar (Tur) prices have been declined since last couple …

एग्रीबाज़ार: एक कृषि तकनीक समाधान

Krishi Jagran Hindi देश की आर्थिक एवं सामाजिक उन्नति में कृषि एवं सम्पूर्ण क्षेत्र का योगदान सदा महत्त्वपूर्ण रहा है. …

Agribazaar – Transforming the Indian Agriculture value chain with Technology

CXO Today Agribazaar started with the idea that a technology-driven platform could help the agri value chain operate with significantly …

Weekly Guar Seed Report

Current Market Developments: Guar seed and Guar gum prices have remained strong in the physical markets and the futures as …

Watch out for the 10 craziest agritech trends in 2023!

The global agricultural industry is ever-growing, with new seeds of innovation. From increased global food consumption to the climate crisis, …

Weekly Cumin seed (Jeera) Report

Current Market Developments: Steady demand from local buyers & exporters witnessed in most spot markets. Currently, Cumin seed prices are …

Golden Chance For India To Become A World Feeder!

As of 2021-22, the agricultural sector employs 152 Million Indians with a 4.1 % YoY growth, one of India’s largest …

Weekly Castor Report

Current Market Developments: During the last fortnight Castor seed prices in domestic spot markets of Gujarat and Rajasthan continue to …

Weekly Chilli Report

Current Market Developments: Chilli Teja prices in spot markets of Guntur, Warrangal and Khammam have remained strong since last fortnight. …

Innovating the Indian Farming Industry with Farm Automation

Agriculture has moved us ahead so far in thousands of years, but now, we are at a turning point. And …

Weekly Coriander (Dhaniya) Report

Current Market Developments: Moderate buying sentiments kept Coriander seed prices weak in spot markets of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan …

Empowering women farmers: Let the “unconventional” become the new normal!

India’s livestock sector is the world’s largest livestock production system and over 70% of livestock work is done by women. …

Weekly Turmeric Report

Current Market Developments: Turmeric prices in major domestic spot markets of Nizamabad, Hingoli and Erode have remained range bound with …

Weekly Wheat Report

Current Market Developments: Since, last fortnight Wheat prices in most of the domestic spot markets have increased as strong demand …

Weekly Cotton Report

Current Market Developments: Cotton prices in most of the spot markets of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra have recovered slightly due …

किसान सफलता कार्ड (मराठी)

भारतातील कृषी वित्त ही कृषी व्यवसायाची गरज आहे. कृषी वित्त हे केवळ शेती उत्पादन आणि पिकांच्या व्यापारासाठीच नव्हे तर कृषी …

Weekly Maize (Corn) Report

Current Market Developments: Maize prices in the last couple of weeks have shown declining trend as buyers were reluctant to …

किसान सफलता कार्ड

भारत में कृषि वित्त कृषि व्यापार की एक आवश्यकता है। कृषि वित्त न केवल खेती, उत्पादन और फसलों के व्यापार …

Weekly Soybean Report

Current Market Developments: The adjacent Soybean price trend chart shows that prices has declined significantly in the last 10-12 days …

Indian Agri Finance System: Challenges & Opportunities

The importance of agri finance, especially in rural India, cannot be ignored. The structure of the agri finance system in …

AgriBazaar launches Kisan Safalta Card with Yes Bank and RuPay

Agriculture Post Private sector electronic agri marketplace, Agribazaar launched a farmer-centric card, the Agribazaar Kisan Safalta Card. The Kisan Safalta card …

Weekly Groundnut Report

Current Market Developments: Since last fortnight Groundnut prices in Gondal, Rajkot and Gadag spot markets have shown weak trend as …

Top Indian agritech trends 2023

The Indian agriculture sector is being immensely pressurized by issues of the increasing population, unfavorable climate occurrences, and land limitations. …

Weekly Sesame Seed Report

Current Market Developments: As depicted in the Sesame seed prices trend chart, prices have remained range bound with slightly weak …

Kisan Safalta Card by agribazaar

An average Indian farmer is a perennial debtor since he has to work on inefficient farmland, using traditional methods of …

AgriBazaar Introduces Kisan Safalta Card To Offer Financing Facilities

BusinessWorld Homegrown electronic Agri mandi Agribazaar launches farmer-centric card – Agribazaar Kisan Safalta Card. The Kisan Safalta card is a …

Weekly Coriander (Dhaniya) Report

Current Market Developments: Coriander seed prices in most of the spot markets have declined in last fortnight as processors and …

Drone Era in Indian Agriculture Market

Government support in using drones as pesticide and nutrient applicators and increasing industry participation will likely influence India’s agriculture drone …

Exclusive Interview with Amith Agarwal, CEO & Co-Founder, AgriBazaar

Analytics Insight In the age of corporatization and commercialization, agriculture is one sector that truly finds itself struggling. The majority …

Weekly Castor Seed Report

Current Market Developments: As shown in the adjacent Castor seed price trend chart, prices have remained range bound with slight …

Weekly Maize (Corn) Report

Current Market Developments: Maize prices in the last couple of weeks shows steady increase as there has been heavy monsoon …

Save Your Sugarcane Staples!

With an area of 5 million hectares, India produces sugarcane on about 2.57 % of the total cropped area. It …

Weekly Cumin seed (Jeera) Report

Current Market Developments: Since last fortnight Cumin seed prices in most of the spot markets of Gujarat and Rajasthan have …

This Independence Day, let AGRITECH empower & liberate farmers!

With the boom of agritech start-ups, India’s agriculture sector is continuously transforming and evolving. According to estimates, India’s agritech industry …

Weekly Gram (Chana) Report

Current Market Developments: Chana prices continue to trade in a range bound manner since last fortnight due to limited participation …

Intelligent Farming using Artificial Intelligence

India already accounts for about 18% of the global population and is expected to become the world’s most populated country …

Weekly Arhar (Tur) Report

Current Market Developments: Arhar (Tur) prices in most of the spot markets have traded firm tracking lower acreage and fear …

Digital Transformation in Indian Agri Credit System

Credit is critical to farming because it leads to higher productivity by sparking a significant shift in agriculture, the process …

Weekly Sugar Report

Current Market Developments: Sugar prices in spot markets continue to remain steady tracking subdued demand against sufficient availability in markets. …

Agritech can help India in becoming the Food Bowl of the World

‘India can lead its World peers if investments in technology-driven innovations are made. The 3Is, which comprise innovation, infrastructure, and …

Weekly Soybean Report

Current Market Developments: Soybean prices in major spot markets of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh have declined in last fortnight. Supplies …

Weekly Cotton Report

Current Market Developments: Cotton prices in most of the domestic spot markets have declined in the last fortnight as consumption …

Digital Soil Mapping – How is it better than the conventional method?

Globally, soil mapping is done traditionally by skilled soil surveyors who know the area well, spend much time in the …

Weekly Guar Seed Report

Current Market Developments: Currently, Guar seed prices have declined in domestic spot markets tracking subdued demand and profit booking at …

Why Agritech is the Future of Agriculture?

Tech cognition among farmers is rising daily and is one of the engines driving the sector ahead, powered by high …

Weekly Groundnut Report

Current Market Developments: Groundnut prices in most of the domestic spot markets have remained weak as demand from traders, stockiest …

FPOs: A Way To Farmers’ Success

The government, NBFCs, civil societies, and other financial institutions have invested in FPOs, looking at their significant role in the …

Weekly Castor Seed Report

Current Market Developments: Currently, castor seed prices in spot markets have remained range bound between Rs. 7,405 per quintal to …

Weekly Sesame Seed (Til) Report

Current Market Developments: Sesame seed prices in last three weeks have continue to remain firm in spot markets as good …

Carbon credits are the new currency!

While carbon credit trading in agriculture is a developing field in India, it can provide an alternative source of earnings …

Weekly Coriander (Dhaniya) Report

Current Market Developments: Estimation of lower coriander crop this year and also low carry forward stocks has kept domestic prices …

हल्दी: अवलोकन और स्वास्थ्य गाइड

भारत, हल्दी के महत्वपूर्ण उत्पादकों और निर्यातकों में से एक, वैश्विक उत्पादन में 80% योगदान देता है। आंध्र प्रदेश, तेलंगाना, …

Weekly Gram (Chana) Report

Current Market Developments: In domestic spot markets Chana prices continue to trade below government declared MSP as demand from bulk …

Turning back to roots with Zero-Budget Natural Farming

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman thrust zero budget farming into the spotlight in the first budget speech, calling for a “back …

Weekly Cumin Seed (Jeera) Report

Current Market Developments: Cumin Seed (Jeera) price at key domestic markets continue to remain strong on lower supplies against steady …

Weekly Cotton Report

Current Market Developments: Cotton prices continue to trade firm as supplies are limited against higher consumption demand in spot markets. …

Healthy Tips for Healthy Soybean

Soybean is a short-day plant requiring hot weather for optimum production. They are adapted to grow in many soils (pH …

Weekly Soybean Report

As depicted in the adjacent chart Soybean prices in major trading centers have cooled off on higher availability against subdued …

Weekly Maize Report

Current Market Developments: During this week, Maize prices in most of the spot markets have declined tracking subdued demand in …

Go-to Guide for Good Groundnuts

Groundnuts are a popular food source worldwide, consumed either as peanut butter or groundnut oil or simply as a confectionary …

Weekly Wheat Report

Key Market Developments: During the week, Wheat prices in most of the spot markets of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, …

Vertical Farming in India

Agriculture in India is often affected by soil degradation, desertification, and extreme weather conditions such as floods and droughts. As …

Agribazaar, Rivulis sign MoU to bolster agri-output with micro-irrigation

The Free Press Journal AgriBazaar, one-stop agritech platform, announced it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Rivulis, which …

Turmeric: Overview & Health Guide

India, one of the significant producers & exporters of turmeric, contributes 80% to global production.  Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, …

Online Auction Engine by agribazaar

Online Auction Engine by agribazaar is a customized auction portal for corporates and traders to carry out trades, manage deliveries, …

Impact of IT Innovation for Growing Indian Agriculture

The IT services industry has remained a key growth catalyst in its economy. This industry grew to $181 billion in …

What is remote sensing crop model and how it will help farmers

CNBC TV18 India’s largest agri-trading marketplace Agribazaar has recently announced that it will be offering a ‘remote sensing crop model’ …

Principles of Regenerative Agriculture

Globally, the agriculture sector is one of the big emitters of CO2 responsible for the climate change we talk about …

Renewable Energy: A Boon to Indian Farmers

The agriculture sector in India has seen tremendous growth in the last 75 years owing to various initiatives to improve …

AgriKnow: Crop & Farm Management

To worry about the condition and state of their crops is very obvious for farmers. But what if they could …

Health Guide to your Chickpeas

India stands first in the area and production of chickpea among all the chickpea producing countries of the world, contributing …

Organic Farming Measures by Indian Government

Governments sometimes pass regulations that encourage farmers to shift to organic methods because of the health and environmental benefits and …

Organic Farming in India: Facts and Way Forward

India ranks 1st in terms of the total number of producers as per 2020 data & 8th in terms of …

Barley: Health Overview

Barley or Jau, scientifically called Hordeum Vulgare L. is one of the most valuable crops in the world after rice, …

Rabi season in India: 2021-22

The objective of this note is not only to provide information on the ongoing Rabi season but also to comprehend …

Common diseases to protect your Wheat from

Worldwide, wheat is a rabi crop & one of the most widely consumed cereal crops. China being in the global …

First Private Online Mandi in Madhya Pradesh by agribazaar

Shortcomings of conventional mandis have been revealed in light of the COVID- 19 pandemic. That’s why a need for an …

Current Initiatives and Future of Digital Agriculture in India

Over the years, the government has taken significant steps to strengthen the agriculture sector with proven farming technologies and supportive …

Role & Benefits of Crop Health Monitoring

How farmers have been managing crop health in present times is worth considering as the demand for food is increasingly …

Commodity Outlook – Soybean

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: October to NovemberCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Sehore, Raisen, Bhopal, …

How To Keep Your Mustard Crops Healthy?

Mustard is India’s second most prominent winter oilseed crop, grown in the northern plains and eastern area. The oil content …

Commodity Outlook – Groundnut

Sowing period: May to JuneHarvesting period: OctoberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to JanuaryHarvesting period: AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing …

Rabi Season in India: 2021-2022

The objective of this note is not only to provide information on the onset of the current Rabi season but …

Commodity Outlook – Tur (Red Gram / Cajanus Cajan)

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: November to FebruaryCrop season: Kharif Key growing locations for Tur: Maharashtra -Amarawati, Wardha, Vashim, …

Commodity Outlook – Bajra (Pearl Millet)

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: September to OctoberCrop season: Kharif Key growing locations: Rajasthan – Alwar, Bharatpur, Dausa, Jaipur, …

Precision Agriculture & What it offers

Scientifically speaking, Precision Agriculture is an advanced and optimized field-level management strategy that aims to enhance productivity, reduce manual labor …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

AgriBazaar looks beyond the e-mandi to further its agritech push

The Economic Times AgriBazaar, an agritech startup, is moving beyond a pureplay marketplace and heading into agri-advisory, crop identification and estimation, …

Commodity Outlook – Mustard Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: February to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Rajasthan – Ganganagar, Alwar, Tonk, Baran …

Better Ways to make Cotton Crop Better

Cotton plants are a tropical crop raised as a Kharif crop in India. It requires uniformly high temperatures between 21°C …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to OctoberHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

agriPay by agribazaar

“Cash payment is a thing of the past when digital payments are making the waves now.”  With multiple technological innovations …

Agribazaar x SOPA: International Soy Conclave 2021

SOPA (The Soybean Processors Association of India) is the only national-level body representing the soybean processors, farmers, exporters, and brokers …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – Cotton

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: October to JanuaryCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Botad, Mehsana, Patan, Rajkot, …

Commodity Outlook – Sugar

Sowing period (Sugarcane): September to JanuaryHarvesting period (Sugarcane): February to AprilCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Uttar Pradesh – Aligarh, …

Maize: Overview and Health Guide

The maize crop is a warm-weather crop and is grown in a wide range of climatic conditions. It needs bright …

Commodity Outlook – Groundnut

Sowing period: May to JuneHarvesting period: OctoberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to JanuaryHarvesting period: AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing …

Commodity Outlook – Soybean

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: October to NovemberCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Sehore, Raisen, Bhopal, …

एग्रीबाज़ार का संपूर्ण अपग्रेड

जैसा कि हमने कृषि क्षेत्र में अपने अस्तित्व के 5वें वर्ष में प्रवेश किया, हम एग्रीबाज़ार में अपने उपयोगकर्ताओं को …

Commodity Outlook – Mustard Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: February to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Rajasthan – Ganganagar, Alwar, Tonk, Baran …

App-solute Upgrade of Agribazaar!

As we entered the 5th year of our existence in the agritech sector, we at Agribazaar wanted to provide our …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: April to JuneCrop season: Rabi …

फसलों को स्वस्थ रखने के सरल तरीके

सोयाबीन | मूँगफली सोयाबीन एक छोटे दिन का पौधा है, जिसे इष्टतम उत्पादन के लिए गर्म मौसम की आवश्यकता होती …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period – September to NovemberHarvesting period – March to AprilCrop season – Rabi Key growing locations:  Madhya Pradesh – …

Oilseeds boomed this season: 2020-21

This year, everything is rolling in favor of oilseeds that could lure growers to plant crops such as soybean, groundnut, …

Commodity Outlook – Groundnut

Sowing period: May to JuneHarvesting period: OctoberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to JanuaryHarvesting period: AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing …

Maize: Kharif season

Maize or corn is one of the most significant cereal crops that is cultivated worldwide. It is primarily used for …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Cotton: Kharif season

Cotton is a Kharif crop that is sown from June to July and harvested from October to January. Gujarat, Maharashtra, …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to OctoberHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Soybean: Kharif season

Soybean is one of the most popular grown legumes (fruit or seed of plants of the legume family, such as …

Investing with StarAgri

Agri warehousing is a low margin and high volume seasonal business which needs sufficient networking among buyers and sellers. If …

Commodity Outlook – Cotton

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: October to MayCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Botad, Mehsana, Patan, Rajkot, …

Kharif Season in India: 2021-2022

The objective of this article is not only to provide information on the ongoing Kharif season but also to comprehend …

Better experience with better profits

We aim to save the time for our customers that is wasted in physical mandis. Long queues, delayed procedures, and …

Commodity Outlook – Sugar

Sowing period (Sugarcane): September to JanuaryHarvesting period (Sugarcane): February to AprilCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Uttar Pradesh – Aligarh, …

Partnering with StarAgri

Warehousing is the transitional storage of goods that happens during a commodities journey from the producer to the end-user. Currently, …

AgriStack: Obstacles & Opportunities (Part II)

Our previous article talked about what AgriStack is and what the Centre is proposing in its MoU with Microsoft. Now …

CWC, Star Agribazaar Technology Limited signed an MoU

PSU Connect Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC), a CPSE under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, and Star …

Commodity Outlook – Soybean

Sowing period: June to July Harvesting period:  October to NovemberCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions:  Madhya Pradesh – Sehore, Raisen, …

No more time waste & delayed payments!

Wastage of time and delayed payments to farmers are common problems found in the rural Agri market (mandi) system. Mr. …

AgriStack: A data-driven digital drive (Part I)

The Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperation, and Farmers Welfare signed an MoU with Microsoft on April 13, 2021, to create a …

Commodity Outlook – Groundnut

Sowing period: May to JuneHarvesting period: OctoberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to JanuaryHarvesting period: AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing …

Better and fair value for the yield!

Doubling farmers’ incomes and offering them the right value of their efforts is what we, agribazaar, have always believed in.These …

Introduction to Warehousing System in India

Back in the day, decades ago not only within the metropolitan cities but also in the city’s outskirts used to …

Digital is the New Normal!

Video communication applications and telecommuting platforms have made it much easier to communicate during the pandemic.  Agribazaar has been conducting …

Commodity Outlook – Tur (Red Gram / Cajanus Cajan)

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: November to FebruaryCrop season: Kharif Key growing locations for Tur: Maharashtra – Amarawati, Wardha, …

Pricing of Agricultural Commodities in an Economy

Price controls are government-mandated minimum or maximum prices set on agricultural products, set in place to manage affordability and economic …

Customer satisfaction has always been a priority!

The recent support and confidence from the government towards agritech companies have been helping the agricultural community in many aspects.  …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: April to JuneCrop season: Rabi …

Procuring Agri Commodities – Not So Difficult Anymore!

With the increasing population, the food supply chains are also becoming complex and challenging in reducing food wastage and delivering …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

Real-time commodity prices have made trading easier!

Usually, the local farmers and traders’ knowledge about the commodity prices is restricted to the nearby mandis. The information they …

Future of e-Mandis

The agricultural sector is vital for the Indian economy and it is evident that reforming agricultural markets and setting up …

Commodity Outlook – Mustard Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: February to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions:  Rajasthan – Ganganagar, Alwar, Tonk, Baran …

Top 5 Trends in The Indian AgriTech Space

The future of agriculture is a very important question for the planners and all other stakeholders. The government and other …

ग्रामीण भारत में डिजिटल कृषि को बढ़ावा देने के लिए कृषि मंत्रालय का एग्रीबाजार से करार, किसानों को होंगे ये फायदे

TV19 Bharatvarsh कृषि प्रौद्योगिकी मंच, एग्रीबाजार ने कहा कि उसने ग्रामीण भारत में वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण के साथ डिजिटल कृषि को …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations:  Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Agri-financing – A financial revolution

Agri financing plays an essential role in farm sector development, as India being an agrarian economy is a major contributor …

AgriBazaar to expand footprint through village fulfilment centres

Business Line AgriBazaar, the digital marketplace for farm products, is expanding its on ground presence in about 75 villages of …

Commodity Outlook – Sugar

Sowing period (Sugarcane): September to JanuaryHarvesting period (Sugarcane): February to AprilCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Uttar Pradesh – Aligarh, …

Busting Agricultural Trading Myths in 2021

The concept of agricultural trade goes back to the time when the Romans grew crops explicitly for trade. Since ancient …

Commodity Outlook – Soybean

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: October to NovemberCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Sehore, Raisen, Bhopal, …

Multilayer Farming: Objectives and Benefits

India is a secular nation and how we find unity in our diversity is one of the main reasons for …

Commodity Outlook – Groundnut

Sowing period: May to JuneHarvesting period: OctoberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to JanuaryHarvesting period: AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing …

Commodity Outlook – Tur (Red Gram / Cajanus Cajan)

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: November to FebruaryCrop season: Kharif Key growing locations for Tur:  Maharashtra – Amarawati, Wardha, …

Barley: Rabi harvesting season

Barley is a cereal grain and is the fourth largest grain crop produced globally, after wheat, rice, and corn. Barley …

Commodity Outlook – Barley

Sowing period: October to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations for Barley: Rajasthan – Jaipur, Alwar, …

Reinventing India’s Food Supply Chain

The agriculture sector in India employs more than 22 million people in what can only be deemed as the world’s …

Maize: Rabi harvesting season

Maize or Indian corn or simply called corn in some countries is a cereal grain. It is used as livestock …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: April to JuneCrop season: Rabi …

Wheat: Rabi harvesting season

Wheat is a very nutritional and extensively cultivated cereal grain. It is one of the world’s most important crops as …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

e-Mandi: Taking Mandis in India Online

Currently, farmers auction their agriculture produce at physical markets also known as market yards or mandis in India which are …

Mustard seed: Rabi harvesting season

India is one of the largest producers of oilseeds in the world and the oilseed sector occupies an important position …

Commodity Outlook – Mustard Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: February to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Rajasthan – Ganganagar, Alwar, Tonk, Baran …

What To Expect From The New e-Mandi (online mandi) System

When the British left India in 1947, what we inherited from them was an agrarian economy where agriculture and allied …

Bengal gram: Rabi harvesting season

Bengal gram is called Chickpea or Gram is a major pulse crop in India and is also the top producer, …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

ई-मंडीः भारत की स्थानीय कृषि मंडी को ऑनलाइन लाना

वर्तमान में, किसान अपनी कृषि उपज को वास्तविक बाजार में नीलाम करते हैं जिन्हें मार्केट यार्ड या मंडियों के रूप …

भारतीय कृषि बाजार और ई-मंडियों से क्या अपेक्षा करें

जब 1947 में अंग्रेजों ने भारत छोड़ दिया तो हमें उनसे जो विरासत में मिला वह कृषि प्रधान अर्थव्यवस्था थी, …

Rabi Season in India: 2021

The objective of this note is not only to provide information on the ongoing Rabi season but also to comprehend …

ई-मंडी का उदयः समेकित कृषि बाजार

केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने इलेक्ट्रॉनिक कृषि बाजार की स्थापना को हरी झण्डी दिखाकर भारत में कृषि मार्केट सुधारों के इतिहास में …

Commodity Outlook – Groundnut

Sowing period: May to JuneHarvesting period: OctoberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to JanuaryHarvesting period: AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing …

The Rise of e-Mandi: A Unified Agricultural Market

The Union Cabinet’s nod to the setting up of the electronic agriculture market (e-mandi) made it an important day in …

Commodity Outlook – Cotton

Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fibre that grows in a boll or protective case, around the seeds of the …

Commodity Outlook – Sugar

Sowing period (Sugarcane): September to JanuaryHarvesting period (Sugarcane): February to AprilCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Uttar Pradesh – Aligarh, …

PCI DSS – What & Why?

The PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is a set of security standards designed to ensure that all …

Commodity Outlook – Soybean

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: October to NovemberCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Sehore, Raisen, Bhopal, …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: April to JuneCrop season: Rabi …

Paddy Straw Management

Rice occupies a pivotal place in Indian agriculture and it contributes about 13% of annual agriculture GDP and provides 43% …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to OctoberHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

This agritech startup aims to empower India’s 126M small farmers with technology and data

YourStory For Amith Agarwal, there was nothing new about starting an agritech business. Having founded StarAgri and StarAgri Finance, Amith …

Agri Commodity: History Journal (Part 2)

Post-independence After Independence, the Parliament passed Forward Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1952 which regulated forward contracts in commodities all over India. …

Commodity Outlook – Mustard Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: February to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Rajasthan – Ganganagar, Alwar, Tonk, Baran …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Agri Commodity: History Journal (Part 1)

Introduction Subtle evaluation of Indian commodity markets has been of great importance in the nation’s economic distributions and its interlinking …

Commodity Outlook – Groundnut

Sowing period: May to JuneHarvesting period: OctoberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to JanuaryHarvesting period: AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing …

Will Agriculture Ever Rule The World?

The answer to the question is yes, but we can’t say when. There are a lot of things happening around …

Commodity Outlook – Soybean

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: October to NovemberCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Sehore, Raisen, Bhopal, …

Commodity Outlook – Tur (Red Gram)

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: November to FebruaryCrop season: Kharif Key growing locations for Tur: Maharashtra – Amarawati, Wardha, …

agribazaar wins Triple A Awards 2020: The Asset

The Asset Magazine Noida, India: 23rd November, 2020 Agribazaar sustains to receive The Asset Asian Awards for 2020 as well, …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to OctoberHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

Commodity Outlook – Mustard Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: February to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Rajasthan – Ganganagar, Alwar, Tonk, Baran …

20 years of Change in Agriculture

Agriculture, what comes to your mind when you hear this term? To us, it is something that keeps everything in …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: April to JuneCrop season: Rabi …

Commodity Outlook – Coriander Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: March to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Neemuch, Mandsaur, Guna, …

India Organic Food Certification in 5 Steps

India Organic is a certification mark for organically farmed food products manufactured in India. The certification is issued by testing …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – Groundnut

Sowing period: May to JuneHarvesting period: OctoberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to JanuaryHarvesting period: AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing …

Commodity Outlook – Soybean

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: October to NovemberCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Sehore, Raisen, Bhopal, …

Block chain in Agriculture! Why not?

Blockchain! Sounds fancy, doesn’t it?  Well, the agricultural sector is experiencing a major digital transformation lately and among all other …

Commodity Outlook – Tur (Red Gram)

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: November to FebruaryCrop season: Kharif Key growing locations for Tur: Maharashtra – Amarawati, Wardha, …

Commodity Outlook – Paddy

Sowing period: June to SeptemberHarvesting period: October to FebruaryCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: November to FebruaryHarvesting period: March to JuneCrop …

Indian Farming Reforms: 2020

On 5th June 2020, the Indian Government has taken a major step towards the national vision of the farming sector …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to OctoberHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: 1. Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, …

Going Green: Electric Tractors over Diesel

Familiar with Climate Change? Of course, we’ve all been hearing great speeches about the well-known phenomenon every now and then. …

Commodity Outlook – Mustard Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: February to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Rajasthan – Ganganagar, Alwar, Tonk, Baran …

Farmers’ Expectations vs. Reality

Though the Indian government has promised to double farmer’s income by 2023 and planned its policies accordingly, farmers are expecting …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – Groundnut

Sowing period: May to JuneHarvesting period: OctoberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to JanuaryHarvesting period: AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing …

agribazaar: Agriculture’s silver lining during COVID-19

“Even though the Indian economy has taken a huge hit from the COVID-19 pandemic and resultant lockdowns, the agriculture sector …

Commodity Outlook – Soybean

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: October to NovemberCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Sehore, Raisen, Bhopal, …

Agribazaar makes foray into agri-input segment

Outlook India New Delhi, India: 25th August, 2020 Agritech platform Agribazaar on Tuesday announced its foray into agri-input segment and …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to OctoberHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Agribazaar to treble headcount to 500, double footprint

Economic Times Mumbai, India: 17 August, 2020 Amid rising retrenchments and salary cuts driven by the pandemic across sectors, agritech …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: October to December Harvesting period: April to June Crop …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

Mustard seed up 26% in four months on short supply, spike in oil demand

Business Standard Mumbai, India: 28 July, 2020 Mustard seed prices have jumped a staggering 26 per cent the past four months …

Commodity Outlook – Mustard Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: February to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Rajasthan – Ganganagar, Alwar, Tonk, Baran …

Live Webinar on “Market Outlook of Mustard Seed” on July 24, 2020

Agribazaar is organizing a webinar on the “Commodity Price Outlook of Mustard” on July 24, 2020 at 5:30 pm – …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – Oilseeds

India is the one of the largest producer of oilseeds in the world and the oilseed sector occupies an important …

Live Webinar on “Landmark Reforms in Indian Agriculture” on 25th June 2020

On 5th June 2020, the Indian government promulgated three ordinances that give farmers a new approach to sell their produce.  …

India’s Agribazaar looks to expand quickly as government eases trading norms for farmers

Indoasiancommodities Noida, India: 15 June, 2020 Agribazaar, India’s leading marketplace for agri-commodities trading, is expecting its gross trading value (GTV) …

AgriBazaar’s digital e-mandi helps small farmers get best price for their produce

Agri-tech startup AgriBazaar delivers tech-enabled future-ready solutions to the farming community. Amith Agarwal, Co-Founder & CEO, AgriBazaar, shares how the …

Securing farmers with technology: How Agritech can be a solution to farmers’ produce-related woes

Noida, India: 30th April, 2020 By Amith Agarwal, Co-Founder & CEO, AgriBazaar Contributing about 15% to India’s GDP, the agricultural …

Kharif Season in India: 2020

The objective of this note is not only to provide information on the coming Kharif season but also comprehend the …

Agri-tech: Harvesting benefits of tech at the mandi

Private e-mandis, farm-to-fork startups and location tracking & geo-fencing tech platforms are helping farmers sell their produce amidst the lockdown. …

Coronavirus: This agritech startup is fixing food supply chain with e-mandis

Delhi-based agritech startup AgriBazaar brings farmers and food processing companies together on an e-mandi as coronavirus forces physical markets to …

Coronavirus lockdown | No scarcity of food, agri supply improved considerably: AgriBazaar

Agarwal said the lockdown is unprecedented and many things on the ground got stopped. With agri-buying and moving of inter-state …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Bayer Partners with Agribazaar to Provide Market Linkages to Smallholder Farmers

Noida, India: 6th March, 2020 The section of smallholder farmers in India is quite vulnerable to challenges like pests and …

Democratizing Farmers’ Access to Big Data

Temasek Noida, India: 4th March, 2020 Digital platforms that aggregate data from thousands of farms offer farmers a comprehensive overview …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to OctoberHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: MarchCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations for …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

Commodity Outlook – Coriander Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: March to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Neemuch, Mandsaur, Guna, …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to OctoberHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Satellite-Based Crop Yield Prediction and Acreage for Kharif 2019: Panipat, Haryana

Executive Summary Introduction and Scope This is the final compiled report for kharif 2019, covers European Space Agency images analysis …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to OctoberHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

Satellite Based Crop Acreage and Yield Prediction for Kharif 2019: Hisar, Haryana

Executive Summary Introduction and Scope This is the final compiled report for kharif 2019 in Hisar, covers European Space Agency …

Satellite-Based Crop Yield Prediction and Acreage for Kharif 2019: Hanumangarh, Rajasthan

Executive Summary Introduction and Scope This is the final compiled report of crop yield prediction for kharif 2019, covers European …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: MarchCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations for …

Commodity Outlook – Coriander Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: March to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Neemuch, Mandsaur, Guna, …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to OctoberHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

Satellite-Based Crop Acreage and Yield Prediction for Kharif 2019: Ganganagar, Rajasthan

Executive Summary Introduction and Scope This is the final compiled report for Kharif 2019, covers European Space Agency images analysis …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to OctoberHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Flavour of India – The Fine Cup Award Competition 2019

Flavour of India – The Fine Cup Award Competition was introduced in 2002 by Coffee Board with an objective to …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: MarchCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations for …

Commodity Outlook – Coriander Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: March to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Neemuch, Mandsaur, Guna, …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to AugustHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

Initiatives by Indian Government to Digitize Agriculture

INTRODUCTION Remember the era of Green and Yellow Revolution in Indian agriculture? The Indian agricultural sector has transformed since then. …

Agri Talks with agribazaar: Synergy Media Specialists

Synergy Media Specialists Central Hong Kong: 15th August, 2019 Synergy Media Specialists talks to the CEO of Agribazaar about the …

Negotiable Trades by agribazaar

Are you being restricted by the limited time duration in an auction? Do you think the worth of your produce …

Commodity Outlook – TUR (Red Gram)

Sowing period for Red Gram: June to JulyHarvesting period: November to FebruaryCrop season: Kharif Key growing locations for Tur: Maharashtra …

Commodity Outlook – Coriander Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: March to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Neemuch, Mandsaur, Guna, …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to AugustHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Agribazaar: India’s Alibaba of agriculture

The Japan Times Tokyo, Japan: 15th August, 2019 Agribazaar got covered by The Japan Times. The Co-founder and CEO of …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: MarchCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations for …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to AugustHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: MarchCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations for …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: MarchCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations for …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to AugustHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to AugustHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

AgriBazaar dives into IoT and Sensors!

Soil Moisture Detector by AgriBazaar “ We believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of WORDS …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

Commodity Outlook – Coriander Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: January to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Neemuch, Mandsaur, Guna, …

In Conversation with ThinkAg member Agribazaar

ThinkAg Team ThinkAg: 4th July, 2019 By facilitating contracts with values over $1B, this digital bazaar is gunning to bring …

Commodity Outlook – Coriander Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: March to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Neemuch, Mandsaur, Guna, …

Commodity Outlook – Coriander Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: March to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Neemuch, Mandsaur, Guna, …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram (Chana)

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

AgriBazaar introduces Commodity Testing Application

Commodity Grading via Machine Learning In India, assessing the quality of agricultural commodities has been manual since forever now. Indian …

New Era Of Commodity Testing!

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing are not just mere words anymore. They have occupied …

AgriBazaar: An Agri-tech solution

India’s foremost AgTech platform for transforming agri trading Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy since ages, and …

The Changing Shape of Indian Agri-Tech

With access to modern farming techniques or machinery, let alone science-based climate and weather data, farmers livelihoods hinges precariously on …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to AugustHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Grounds to Godowns in 5 minutes!

E-procurement by AgriBazaar HOW many farmers do you encounter, like, in a week? None, maybe. Ever seen a rural procurement …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: MarchCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations for …

Commodity Outlook – TUR (Red Gram)

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: November to FebruaryCrop season: Kharif Key growing locations for Tur: Maharashtra – Amarawati, Wardha, …

Commodity Outlook – Paddy

Sowing period: June to OctoberHarvesting period: November to FebruaryCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: November to FebruaryHarvesting period: March to JuneCrop …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to AugustHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Commodity Outlook – Sugarcane

Sowing period (Sugarcane): June to FebruaryHarvesting period (Sugarcane): October to MayCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Uttar Pradesh – Aligarh, …

Commodity Outlook – Coriander Seed

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: March to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Neemuch, Mandsaur, Guna, …

Commodity Outlook – Wheat

Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: April to MayCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations: Madhya Pradesh – Ujjain, Ratlam, Dhar, Sehore, Indore …

Commodity Outlook – TUR (Red Gram)

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: November to FebruaryCrop season: Kharif Key growing locations for Tur: Maharashtra – Amarawati, Wardha, …

Agriazaar wins Triple A Awards 2019: The Asset

The Asset Magazine Noida, India: 8th May, 2019 Building the base for nearly two years, AgriBazaar & IndusInd Bank received …

Commodity Outlook – Maize

Sowing period: June to JulyHarvesting period: DecemberCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: OctoberHarvesting period: MarchCrop season: Rabi Key growing locations for …

Commodity Outlook – Castor Seed

Sowing period: July to AugustHarvesting period: December to MarchCrop season: Kharif Key growing regions: Gujarat – Deesa, Mehsana, Banaskanth, Patan, …

Commodity Outlook – Coriander

Sowing period: October to DecemberHarvesting period: January to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Neemuch, Mandsaur, Guna, …

Commodity Outlook – Paddy

Sowing period: June to OctoberHarvesting period: November to FebruaryCrop season: Kharif Sowing period: November to FebruaryHarvesting period: March to JuneCrop …

Commodity Outlook – Bengal Gram

Sowing period: September to NovemberHarvesting period: March to AprilCrop season: Rabi Key growing regions: Madhya Pradesh – Dewas, Khargone, Sehore, …

Nuts and Dried Fruit Trading 2.0: Agribazaar to revolutionize the industry


Agribazaar becomes an Associate Partner for Agro Summit – 2017: The Economic Times

The Economic Times Agibazaar abides to be an associate partner for The Economic Times Agro Summit – 2017. Along with …

Now, Nafed to launch e-auction platform for pulses trade

Financial Express New Delhi | Published: August 4, 2017 In a bid to dispose of huge stocks piled since last one …

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